Abdelghafour Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed
Development of Drug Customized Polymeric Carriers for Improved Therapeutic Efficiency.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Abdullah Hogar Najm
African American Masculinities in Ann Petry’s Oeuvre.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Aburezeq Khalil Abdullah
Relationship among Social Problem-Solving, Negative Problem Orientation, Major Negative Interpersonal Events, and Psychological Well-Being: A Comparative Study between Hungarian And Palestinian Adolescents.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Achim Alexandru
Minimalistic Approaches for Vascular Access in Minimally Invasive Transcatheter Interventions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Adha Ahmad
A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Conception of Lie.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ahmadov Vusal
Comparative analysis of the economic development in the post-socialist Visegrad and South Caucasia.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ali Hazhmat
Evaluation of the oncopharmacological potentials of the novel
A-ring modified 13α-estrone derivatives.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Allaga Henrietta
Termesztett gombák penészkórokozóinak összehasonlító vizsgálata.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Aloui Amira
Towards a Poelitics of the Tragedy of State: The Raison d'État in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Ben Jonson's Sejanus His Fall.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Alsarhan Qusay Idrees Sarhan
Methods for Enhancing Software Fault Localization.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Alsharif Nizar B.
Systematic Design of Antioxidant Hybrid Biocatalysts Based on Inorganic Nanozymes and Polystyrene Latex Beads.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Andrásik Attila
Borofloat, BK7 és B270 optikai üvegminták ablációja és tranziens reflexió-növekedésének vizsgálata ultrarövid lézerimpulzusokkal.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Angyal Béla
"A gútai nemzet" Gúta mezőváros társadalma, 1768–1870.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Annus Ádám
Early neurological improvement following reperfusion therapy in acute ischaemic stroke.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Apjok Gábor
A bakteriofágok gazdaspecifitásának és az emberi bélrendszerrel való kapcsolatának vizsgálata antibiotikum-rezisztens kórokozók elleni terápiás stratégiák kifejlesztéséhez.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Asghar Muhammad Ahsan
Redox control of metabolism in wheat.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Balog József Ágoston
Terápia naiv autoimmun betegek perifériás immunrendszerének
multiplex jellemzése.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Balogh Gergő Mihály
Negative trade-off between neoantigen repertoire breadth and the specificity of HLA-I molecules shapes antitumor immunity.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Balogh Gyula
Az útonjáró. Alteregó típusú folklórmotívumok Krúdy Gyula ifjúkori elbeszéléseiben.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Balogh Réka
Early recognition of neurocognitive disorders: Dementia screening in primary care and the detection of mild cognitive impairment via verbal fluency tests.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Baniata Hamza
Integrating Blockchain and Fog Computing Technologies for Efficient Privacy-preserving Systems.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Barna Lilla
Gyógyszer- és természetes hatóanyagok védőhatásának vizsgálata vér-agy gát károsodással szemben tenyészetes modellen.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Becskeházi Eszter
Role of epithelial cells in gastrointestinal diseases of the oesophagus and the pancreas.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Benke Edit
Development of novel formulated ciprofloxacin hydrochloride containing dry powder inhalation system.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Benkő Ernő Máté
Evaluation of drug-matrix interactions in directly compressed drug delivery systems and modelling of drug-release rate.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Benyhe András
Elusive aspects of visual word form processing: rotations and diacritics.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Bera Shreya
The Diasporic Sublime in the Works of Bharati Mukherjee, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Boldog Péter
Mathematical models of cell cultures.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Borbély Emőke
Development of non-transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease and investigation of drug candidates for its treatment.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Bui Dang Hung
Time-series land cover and land use monitoring and classification using GIS and remote sensing technology: A case study of Binh Duong province, Vietnam.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Bui Thanh Trung
Monetary policy: indicators and identification.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Bálint Emma
Red Riding Hood Across Media. Transmedia Storytelling in Contemporary Adaptations of “Little Red Riding Hood”.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Böszörményi Éva
Complex equilibria in strongly alkaline aqueous solutions containing Ca(II), Nd(III) and gluconate ions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Chordiya Kalyani
Impact of Structural Modifications on Ultrafast Correlation-Driven Charge Migration in Organic Molecules: For Molecular Engineering.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Csapó Fanni
Magyarország egy osztrák humanista szemével. Wolfgang Lazius Magyarország chorográfiája, a Regni Hungariae Archaeologiae libri tres.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Cserni Bálint
ONEST (Observers Needed to Evaluate Subjective Tests) analysis of the reproducibility of prognostic factors in breast cancer.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Csizmadia Sándor
Központi idegrendszeri speciális vasculáris károsodások MR vizsgálata és azok hemodinamikai kapcsolatai.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Csuvik Oszkár
Syntheses and transformations of nitrogen-containing naphthol analogues.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dancsik Bálint
A háztartások helyzetének változása a magyar hitelpiacon a devizahitelezést követően.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Darázs Barbara
Monitoring of anatomical changes during adaptive brain radiotherapy in glioma patients.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dinh Thi Thanh Hoa
The kisspeptin-1 receptor antagonist peptide-234 aggravates uremic cardiomyopathy in a rat model.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dobóczky-Balázs Evelin
Exploring the properties of a newly described rotifer-specific biopolymer escpecially in relation to neurotoxic aggregates.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dochnal Roberta Beatrix
Emotion regulation in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety disorder.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dorogi Bence
Evaluation of advanced clinicopathological and structural aspects of modern oncoplastic breast cancer surgery.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dubravcsik Zsolt
Small caliber pancreatic stents in the management of acute biliary pancreatitis and the prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Dózsai Dávid
Features of atypical femoral fractures in a clinical setting.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Egas López José Vicente
Adaptation of Speaker and Speech Recognition Methods for the
Automatic Screening of Speech Disorders using Machine Learning.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Eszes Dóra Júlia
Diabetic retinopathy screening using telemedicine tools.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Fehérváry István
A hullámtéri növényzet vizsgálata légi LiDAR adatok alapján.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Fenyvesiné Prohászka Erzsébet
Az embert ábrázoló kis műfajok: a zsánerkép és a portré a XVII. és a XVIII. századi francia festészetben és a festészetről szóló írásokban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Flender Roland
Few-cycle pulse generation in the mid-infrared and THz spectral domains.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Floutier Jérémy
L'image de la Transylvanie en Hongrie et en Roumanie par le prisme de l'éducation: de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au changement de régime (1945-1990).
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Földi Mária
Acute abdominal pain: from assessment to management. A registry analysis and a meta-analysis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Gitau Margaret
Evaluation of the plant biostimulant effects of selected eukaryotic green microalgae.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Gorcsa Oszkár
Hadifogság az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchiában. Szerb hadifoglyok Magyarországon 1914–1918.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Gudmann András Viktor
Gépi tanulásos osztályozó eljárások vizsgálata felszínborítás/területhasználat térképezés szempontjából.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Gál Péter
Software Maintenance Experiments with the A+ Programming Language and the Primitive Obsession Bad Smell.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Géczi Tibor
Evolution of lung segmentectomy at our department.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Gönder Hasan
Transforming Rural Education: Village Institutes as Architects of Modernity in Türkiye (1937-1960).
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Haddad Sami Abdel-Karim Abdullah
The speech act of offer in Jordanian arabic: a socio-pragmatic analysis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Hajdu Bálint
Cinkujj fehérjék fémion-, és DNS-kötésének vizsgálata, módosításuk Ni(II)-indukált peptidhidrolízis segítségével.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Hammadi Reham
Chemical and pharmacological investigations of African Euphorbia species.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Hassoon Azza Ahmed Mousad Megahed
Copper(II) and (η5-Cp*)rhodium(III) complexes of some imidazole and pyridine containing ligands.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Havasi Viktor
Foszforeszcens stroncium-aluminátok előállítása és fejlesztése.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Hawchar Fatime
The effects of haemadsorption on vasoplegic shock reversal in critically ill patients.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Hicsik Dóra
Egy elfeledett sajtóorgánum: a Bácsmegyei Napló szerepe a vajdasági magyar irodalom (ki)alakulásában.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Horváth Bence
Computer aided methods for assisting cochlear implant surgery.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Horváth Ferenc
Code Coverage Measurement and Fault Localization Approaches.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Huber Máté Imre
Pluricentricity in foreign language teaching: The case of English and German in the Hungarian education system.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Hussain Abrar
The Applicability of Fuzzy Theory in Machine Learning.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Huynh Thu
Identification and classification of microorganisms based on their fatty acid profiles.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ibos Katalin Eszter
Investigating the effects of kisspeptin-13 and kisspeptin-8 on anxiety and locomotion in Wistar rats.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Imre Nóra
Temporal analysis of spontaneous speech for early screening of
cognitive impairment among the elderly.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Iqbal Nadeem
Ethylene-dependent effects of fusaric acid and fumonisin B1 on
photosynthetic activity and reactive oxygen species metabolism
in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) leaves.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Islam Sargi
From integration to alienation. Diverging Perceptions of the Kurdish Question in the Turkish Modernization.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Işık Murat
The Book of Leviticus of the Gözleve Bible (1841): A Comprehensive Analysis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Janovszky Patrick Martin
Analitikai módszerfejlesztés geológiai és biológiai minták pásztázó elvű lézer ablációs spektroszkópiai vizsgálatához.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Juhász Dóra
A tanulási és emlékezeti folyamatok életkori változásai.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Julesz Máté
Informal payments and gifts to nurses in Hungary with special reference to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Jász Dávid Kurszán
The protective role of methane in mitochondrial and metabolic pathways of ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiac damage.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Jávor Péter János
Directions of development in the initial management of trauma-related bleeding and hemorrhagic shock.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Jäger Zoltán
Numerikus módszerek alkalmazása modern asztrofizikai vizsgálatokban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kanjo Anna Nóra
Effects of extracorporeal blood purification therapies on organ dysfunction in critically ill patients.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Karai Adrienn
Maternal age as an influencing factor of obstetrical and neonatal outcomes – retrospective studies in Southeastern Hungary.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Karlik Máté
The environmental change in the Lake Bolătău - Feredeu basin over the last 500 years.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Katana Bojana
Halloysite Nanotube Colloids: From Fundamentals to Applications as Antioxidant Agents.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kedves Alfonz
Szénalapú nanoanyagok hatása az aerob granuláris iszapos szennyvíztisztítási technológiára.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kerényi Ádám
A pénzügyi rendszer ötvözése a digitális technológiával -a hazai FinTech-ökoszisztéma bemutatása-.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kicsi András
Utilization of Underlying Semantic Information in Textual Data.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kimani Bernard Gitura
Antimicrobial action of natural phenolics against food spoilage yeasts.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kis Orsolya
A felnőttkori afáziához társuló szerzett olvasászavarok diagnosztikája, Felnőtt Olvasásteszt kidolgozása és alkalmazása a klinikumban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kiss Márton Attila
Potenciális antiandrogének előállítása a dihidrotesztoszteron A-gyűrűjének szerkezetmódosításaival.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kiss Máté
A magyar-skandináv érintkezések kérdése a kezdetektől Könyves Kálmán uralkodásáig.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kiss Szabolcs
On-admission prognostic biomarkers and artificial intelligence supported decision-making in medicine.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kolcsár Ronald András
Városi lakosság zöldfelület ellátottságának értékelése geoinformatikai módszerekkel.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Koncz Dorottya
Evaluation of medicinal plant-based products used for weight loss.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kormányos Eszter Sára
Improving the outcome of experimental acute pancreatitis: the effects of kynurenic acid, SZR-72 and analgesia.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Korsós Anita
Extending the role of capnography during mechanical ventilation.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Korsós Marietta Margaréta
Investigation of esophageal ion transport mechanisms using mouse esophageal 3D organoid cultures.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kouraichi Bochra
The Use of Motivational Strategies in the EFL Classroom: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives in Tunisian Universities.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kovács Katalin
Medico-legal aspects of drug use intoxication and drugged driving, with a special emphasis on the abuse of new psychoactive substances.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Krekic Szilvia
Photonic application of proteins.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kubitsch Rebeka Judit
Evidencialitás az udmurt nyelvben.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kálmán Renáta
A jogklinikai módszertan, különös tekintettel az Amerikai Egyesült Államok és Magyarország jogászképzésében betöltött szerepére.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kószó Dávid
Weighted Tree Generating Regular Systems and Crisp-Determinization of Weighted Tree Automata.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Köhler Zoltán Márton
Investigation of pharmacological compounds to increase skeletal muscle glucose uptake in vitro and in vivo.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Körmös Sándor
The hydrocarbon system of the central part of the Hungarian Palaeogene Basin (Pannonian Basin).
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Körtvélyessy Győző
The impact of different cone-angle implant-abutment relationships on the long-term success of implant restorations.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Laborc Klaudia Flóra
Activation of the trigeminal system in the animal models of migraine.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Lantay Gyula
Az elidegenítő hatás megjelenése a toldalékolásban magyar anyanyelvű nyelvhasználók körében. Az általános birtoklásjelölő morféma és a tárgyrag viselkedése idegen eredetű tövekhez történő kapcsolásakor.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Lantos Judit
Pathophysiology implications of the thoracic surgical interventions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Lima Rui Dániel
A gümőspecifikus ciszteinben gazdag NCR peptidek evolúciója és funkcionális analízise.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Lipták Lilla
A külső referenciaárak hatása a fogyasztók árértékelésére és vásárlási döntésére.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Magashegyi István
Fényindukált töltéstranszport szilárdtestekben: kvantummechanikai leírás.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Magyar Tibor
Investigation of the cardiac electrophysiological effects of acetylcholine and pharmacological modulation of early repolarization syndrome on canine and human ventricular preparations.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Makra Zsófia
N-tartalmú heterociklusok szintézise 1,3-dikarbonil részegységet tartalmazó Mannich szubsztrátok diverzitás-orientált transzformációival.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Makó László
The accumulation history of the Pécel loess-paleosol profile.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Martonosi Ágnes Rita
The role of urodynamics detecting neuropathic bladder dysfunction in non-urological diseases.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Marzban Sadegh
Hybrid PDE-ABM models: from oncology to virology.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Miklovics Nikolett
A VI. típusú szulfid kinon oxidoreduktáz működési analízise.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Milivojevic-Beszédes Viktória
A felnőttnevelés professzionalizációja Szerbiában. A felnőttek általános iskoláiban és az államilag elismert nem formális felnőttnevelési intézményekben dolgozó szakemberek munkaerő-piaci helyzete és professzionalizációja.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Mirdamadi Seyedmohsen
Non-genomic actions of steroid hormones in pregnant and non-pregnant uterine tissues: in vivo and vitro studies.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Mohos András
Factors influencing medical students’ knowledge and motivations related to the profession of family medicine and speciality choice.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Molnár Barnabás
Ösztránvázas aza- és oxaciklusos vegyületek régiószelektív szintézise.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Mucsi Gergő
A ritmikai készségek fejlődése és fejlesztése az ének-zene órákon 6–8 éves tanulók körében.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Muk Balázs
Assessment of the implementation of medical and device therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Myintzu Winn
Communication Strategies in ELF Interactions: An Analysis in the ASEAN Context.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Márkus András
DISSECT-CF-Fog: A Simulation Environment for Analysing the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Márványkövi Fanni Magdolna
Investigation of the pathomechanism of uremic cardiomyopathy and the infarct size-limiting effect of ischemic preconditioning in a rat model of chronic kidney disease.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Mátó Veronika
Health and health influencing factors among staff and students of University of Szeged.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Mérai László
Development and application of functional composite surfaces with tunable wettability and photoreactivity.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Nagy Eszter
Meloxicam gyógyszerhatóanyag részecskeméret csökkentése impulzuslézeres ablációval.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Nagy Viktória
Characterization of antiproliferative and antimetastatic properties of novel terpene derivatives.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Nagy Ádám László
Changes in the biomechanical properties of the bone during implant placement.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Nagypál Virág
A vízlábnyom és a vízhasználati hatékonyság vizsgálata fejőházakban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Naveed Muhammad
Antiarrhythmic and Proarrhythmic Potential of Pharmacological Agents.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Nemes István
Practical applications of geological modelling workflows in the redevelopment of mature hydrocarbon fields – a case study.
Earlier doctoral dissertations, University of Szeged.
Niftiyev Ibrahim
Dutch disease-led de-industrialization in the Azerbaijan’s economy: analysis of the chemicals industry.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Novák Julianna
Galektin-1 indukált T sejt apoptózis vizsgálatok.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Novák Tibor
Lokalizációs mikroszkópiai modalitások szimulációs és kísérleti vizsgálata.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Obradovic Nenad
Szerbek Magyarországon a XIV. század végétől a XVI. század elejéig (1389-1526).
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Orosz Gábor
Kutatási készségek fejlesztése a kémiaórán: egy 10. évfolyamon végzett kísérlet tapasztalatai.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ouma Emily Awuor
Development of a photoacoustic system for the selective detection and analysis of ammonia gas isotopes.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pamlényi Krisztián
Development of buccal mucoadhesive polymer films
with sodium alginate and cetirizine dihydrochloride
in allergy therapy.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pap Gergely
Transcription Factor Binding Site Detector Neural Networks trained with Various DNA Representations.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Papp Ibolya Zita
Félvezető-oxid nanorészecske, illetve őrölt MWCNT-alapú vékonyrétegek és szubsztrátjainak jellemzése.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Patyi Gábor
Nehézfém és szinglet oxigén érzékelés Synechocystis PCC 6803 cianobaktériumban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pedraza Correa Lizeth Katherine
Spatiotemporally precise targeting of memory processes to prevent and ameliorate maladaptive fear responses.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pertich Ákos
Visual associative learning abilities of children with obsessive-compulsive disorder or Tourette syndrome.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pesei Zsófia Gabriella
Genetic basis of chronic pancreatitis: cohort analysis and preclinical drug testing.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Petrovszki Dániel
Developing integrated optical structures, with special respect to applications in medical diagnostics.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Piszár Ildikó
Mechanisms of serotonergic neuromodulation in the olfactory
Doctoral thesis (PhD), Szegedi Tudományegyetem (1945–1962).
Podmaniczki Anna
Hatékony fotoautotróf H2-termelés megvalósítása Chlamydomonas reinhardtii zöldalgával.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Poorakbar Arash
The Formation of Modern Persian Literature: A Comparative Investigation into the Writings of Taqī Rafʿat.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pozzi Alessandro
The accuracy of stereophotogrammetry for complete-arch digital implant impression in vitro and in vivo.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Princz Adrienn
Elvárt digitális kompetenciák a jogi munkaerőpiacon a történelem és a gyakorlat kontextusában.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pánya István
A hódoltsági területek középkori és kora újkori településtopográfiájának kutatási módszertana Bács, Bodrog és Solt vármegyék példáján.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Párkányi László
Peri-implant soft tissue augmentation: contributions to a contemporary issue in implant dentistry.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Rahman Ferdous
Enforcement of Commercial Judgements against Foreign Sovereign Assets in International Law.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Rani Vaishali
Understanding nitrate assimilation by eukaryotic green microalgae.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Repisky Máté
Megküzdés a vállalkozói kudarccal – egy kvalitatív kutatás eredményei.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Romsics Lívia
Perception of dentofacial esthetics.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Rosu Anett
Sensory guided equivalence learning and its connection with borderline personality disorder.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Réthi-Nagy Zsuzsánna
A PP4 foszfatáz és a Centrobin kapcsolata a DNS hibajavítás késői szakaszaiban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Révész János
Novel aspects of clinical and pathological prognostic markers of urinary bladder and kidney cancers.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Saeidi Samrand
Modeling and simulation of novel catalytic reactors for CO2 hydrogenation to hydrocarbon at different modes and operating conditions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sahu Neha
Comparative -omics analyses to understand wood decay strategies and evolution of pathogenicity in Armillaria spp.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Saidu Muhammad Bello
Isolation and structure elucidation of biological active compounds from Euphorbia deightonii and Centrapalus pauciflorus.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Schaffer Annamária
The ontogeny of kisspeptin, leptin and adiponectin: their possible role in the uterine quiescence in rats.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Schranc Álmos István
Alterations in respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in models of treated and untreated type 2 diabetes.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Semghouli Anas
Application of metathesis reaction protocols to the stereocontrolled access of some functionalized azaheterocycles.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sharma Gaurav
Discovery of small-molecule inhibitors of Rad6 function and the Rad6-Rad18 interaction.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sheishah Diaa Elsayed Hamed Abdallah Hamed
Mapping and evaluating the condition of artificial levees.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sipos Bence
Quality by Design based development and investigation of nasal polymeric micelles loaded with meloxicam.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sipos Zsóka
Negyedik évfolyamos tanulók olvasástechnikai sajátosságai és azok pedagógiai relevanciája.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sisay Elias Jigar
Development of nanocomposite membranes for dairy
wastewater treatment.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Soeharto Soeharto
Assessing Students’ Science Misconceptions and Inductive Reasoning: Cross-Sectional Studies in Indonesian Context.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Soós Judit
Investigation of the emulsification of silicone oil used
in vitrectomy in the presence of hydrophilic ophthalmic media.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Stefkó Dóra
Isolation and structure elucidation of phenanthrenes
from Juncus species.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sueyoshi Kiyotaka
Walt Whitman’s poetic-political experiment: Jeffersonian Whitman and Whitman’s olfactory tropes.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Sun Yue
Application of Machine Learning to the Classification of Spectra-like Data.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Susanti Anastasia Jessica Adinda
Mixed Media to Build a New Interpretation of the 1965–1966 Massacre in Indonesia from the Victim’s Point of View in W.J.T. Mitchell’s Perspective.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szabó Balázs
Kukorica genotípusok ellenállóságának vizsgálata toxikus Fusarium és Aspergillus gomba fajokkal szemben és ezek takarmány- és élelmiszerbiztonságra gyakorolt hatása.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szabó Blanka
Bioetanol átalakítása butadiénné MgO-SiO2 típusú katalizátorokon.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szabó Márton Richárd
Adaptation mechanisms of the myocardium: adverse effects of hypercholesterolemia and cardioprotection with skeletal muscle electrical stimulation.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szabó Viktória
The effects of Orai1 channel inhibition in chronic pancreatitis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szabó Éva
A nyelvi benyomáskeltés empirikus vizsgálati lehetőségei: Pragmatikai megközelítés.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szalai Milán
Robotically controlled magnetic capsule endoscopy: new method in the non-invasive diagnosis and screening of upper GI tract disorders.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szaniszló Réka Brigitta
A diaszpóra a nemzetközi kapcsolatokban. A tudásdiaszpórák jelenlétének mérhetősége.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szarka Dóra
Adrenergic regulation of lacrimal gland ductal fluid secretion: role and intracellular mechanisms of adrenergic stimulation.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szarka-Kovács Alexandra Brigitta
A Misexpression supressor of Ras 4 szerepe a Drosophila ivarsejtképződésben.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szenes András László
Fényemisszió plazmonikus erősítése.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szili Petra Éva
Deciphering resistance against multi-targeting antibiotics.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szilágyi-Szögi Titanilla Zita
Examination of neuroinflammation and impaired neurogenesis characteristic of the pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease, and mapping of treatment options in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szivós Kristóf
Az eventualitás fejlődéstörténete és hatása az írásbeli perfelvételre.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szugyiczki Zsuzsanna
Mysticism beyond time: A comparative study of traditional vs. modern mysticism.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Számel Mónika
A funkcionális metagenomika módszerének kiterjesztése kórokozó baktériumokra az antibiotikumrezisztencia vizsgálatának céljából.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Szántó Kata Judit
Crucial steps for treatment optimization and decision making in inflammatory bowel disease management.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Széles Eszter
Mikrofluidikai eszközök fejlesztése Chlamydomonas reinhardtii zöldalga egysejt-szintű morfológiai és fotoszintetikus vizsgálataihoz.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tajti Viktor
Ion-molekula reakciók mechanizmusainak azonosítása és tanulmányozása elméleti módszerekkel.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Takács Andrea Tímea
Epidemiology and clinical features of SARS-CoV-2 and Herpesvirus infection during childhood.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tanács Dániel
Liquid chromatographic enantiomer separation of amino acid analogs with chiral stationary phases utilizing superficially porous particles.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tapody Réka Orsolya
The late Quaternary sedimentological-geochemical-based enviromental history of a peat sequence of Kerek-tó from Transylvania.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tasi Domonkos Attila
Ab initio characterization and dynamics of SN2 reactions involving polyatomic nucleophiles.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tavelli Lorenzo
Soft tissue reconstructive techniques at implant sites: a
clinical, volumetric and ultrasonographic analysis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tekeli Tamás
Modelling and optimizing testing strategies for epidemic outbreaks.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Terendi Viktória
Hódmezővásárhelyi családok életmódjának változása a 20. században, vizuális családtörténeteik tükrében.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Thi Nang Kham
The role of feedback in the processes and outcomes of academic writing in english as a foreign language at intermediate and advanced levels.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tovar Viera Vicente Rodrigo
Genre analysis of English article abstracts in Ecuadorian and North American journals: A contrastive study.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Turkevi-Nagy Sándor
Molecular characterization of neuroendocrine neoplasms.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tót Kálmán
The effect of stimulus complexity and verbalizability on associative learning and related memory processes.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tóth Balázs Károly
A virtuális tér és a közösségi média hatása a társadalmitér-termelés folyamatára három város példáján.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tóth Emese
Microstructure, Geometry and Hydrogeology of the fracture network of the Boda Claystone Formation.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tóth Flórián
Az akvakultúra hatása a zooplankton közösségek szerveződésére.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tóth Péter
Homo mimeticus et religiosus: René Girard generatív valláselmélete – kísérlet az ember vallástudományi megértésére.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Tököli Attila
Design strategies for protein-protein interaction inhibitors using non-natural amino acids.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Udvardi Anna
Is that an answer to the question? Analyzing the opening turns of physiotherapist-patient interactions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Vancsics Béla
New Algorithms and Benchmarks for Supporting Spectrum-Based Fault Localization.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Varga Richárd Sándor
Cardiac electrophysiological studies on the antiarrhythmic and hidden cardiotoxic effects of different compounds.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Varga Árpád
Controlling cell polarity in human pancreatic organoids significantly improves the resolution of ex vivo physiological modeling.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Vernyik Viktor
A fitnesz-maximalizáló genomredukció lehetőségei Escherichia coli baktériumban.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Vetró Éva
Cloud-based data collection and multidisciplinary approach in diagnosis of naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Vollár Martin
Phytochemical and pharmacological assessment of Hungarian bryophytes, with special focus on Paraleucobryum longifolium.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Váczi Sándor
The role of the sigma-1 receptor ligands in the arachidonic acid metabolism of healthy and diabetic rat platelets or abdominal aorta.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Völgyesi Petra
The significance of maternal periodontal status in prenatal care.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Watti Jezdancher
Enhancing smokers’ engagement during Facebook-based smoking cessation interventions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Woldu Gabriel Temesgen
Essays on fiscal policy: empirical evidence from SSA countries.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Yazdani Morteza
Isolation and structure determination of bioactive metabolites from Clitocybe nebularis and Pholiota populnea.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Yilmaz-Mészáros Enikő
A chilei költészet organikus jellege Raúl Zurita verseiben: a latin-amerikai kulturális hibriditás egy konkrét megnyilatkozása.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Zewude Girum Tareke
Psychological Capital and Teacher Well-Being: The Mediation Role of Coping with Stress and Work Task Motivation.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Zhumangaliyev Meirambek
Cumans in the Medieval Hungarian kingdom.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Zuti Bence
Egyetem 4.0: A digitalizáció gyakorlati tapasztalatai a hazai élvonalbeli egyetemeken.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ábrahám Andrea
A Histone H4 replacement (H4r) gén funkciójának vizsgálata Drosophila melanogasterben.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ágoston Dóra
Innovative treatments in dermato-oncology: calcium electroporation and daylight photodynamic therapy.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ónodi-Nagy Katinka
Investigation of the utility of in vivo and in vitro diagnostic procedures in correlation with clinical manifestation in drug hypersensitivity reactions.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ökrös Zsuzsanna
Biochemical and genetic examinations in the diagnostics and treatment of childhood diseases.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.