Investigation of the antiremodeling effects of losartan, mirabegron and their combination on the development of doxorubicin-induced chronic cardiotoxicity in a rat model

Freiwan Marah
Investigation of the antiremodeling effects of losartan, mirabegron and their combination on the development of doxorubicin-induced chronic cardiotoxicity in a rat model.
Doktori értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem (2000-).

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Absztrakt (kivonat) idegen nyelven

Despite the effectiveness of doxorubicin (DOXO) as a chemotherapeutic agent, dose-dependent development of chronic cardiotoxicity limits its application. The angiotensin-II receptor blocker losartan is commonly used to treat cardiac remodeling of various etiologies. The beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron was reported to improve chronic heart failure. Here we investigated the effects of losartan, mirabegron and their combination on the development of DOXO-induced chronic cardiotoxicity. Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups: (i) control; (ii) DOXO-only; (iii) losartan-treated DOXO; (iv) mirabegron-treated DOXO; (v) losartan plus mirabegron-treated DOXO groups. The treatments started 5 weeks after DOXO administration. At week 8, echocardiography was performed. At week 9, left ventricles were prepared for histology, qRT-PCR, and Western blot measurements. Losartan improved diastolic but not systolic dysfunction and ameliorated SERCA2a repression in our DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity model. The DOXO-induced overexpression of Il1 and Il6 was markedly decreased by losartan and mirabegron. Mirabegron and the combination treatment improved systolic and diastolic dysfunction and significantly decreased overexpression of Smad2 and Smad3 in our DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity model. Only mirabegron reduced DOXO-induced cardiac fibrosis significantly. Mirabegron and its combination with losartan seem to be promising therapeutic tools against DOXO-induced chronic cardiotoxicity.

Mű típusa: Disszertáció (Doktori értekezés)
Publikációban használt név: Freiwan Marah
Témavezető neve
Beosztás, tudományos fokozat, intézmény
MTMT szerző azonosító
Sárközy Márta
MD PhD, Biokémiai Intézet SZTE / SZAOK
László Dux
MD PhD DSc, Biokémiai Intézet SZTE / SZAOK
Szakterület: 03. Orvos- és egészségtudomány
Doktori iskola: Multidiszciplináris Orvostudományok Doktori Iskola
Tudományterület / tudományág: Orvostudományok > Elméleti orvostudományok
Nyelv: angol
Védés dátuma: 2022. május 16.
Kulcsszavak: onco-cardiology; doxorubicin-induced chronic cardiotoxicity; heart failure; cardiac fibrosis; diastolic dysfunction; angiotensin II receptor blocker; beta-3 adrenoceptor agonist; cardiac inflammation; TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway; sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2a
EPrint azonosító (ID): 11246
A mű MTMT azonosítója: 33094425
A feltöltés ideje: 2022. márc. 30. 15:37
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. jan. 12. 15:15
Védés állapota: védett

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