Hausinger Péter
Környezeti hatótényezők endokrin diszruptor (ED) hatásainak experimentális vizsgálata és kapcsolata a kardiovaszkuláris klinikai gyakorlattal.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Havasi Katalin
Characterisation and practical importance of exercise-induced cardiovascular response in a 6 - to 18-year-old population.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kis Zsuzsanna
Atrial fibrillation catheter ablation treatment with novel mapping systems.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Morvai-Illés Blanka
The prognostic value of lung ultrasound in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and aortic stenosis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Pálinkás Eszter Dalma
Comprehensive exercise stress echocardiography: a pathophysiological prism dissecting the spectrum of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Zsigmond Előd János
Clinical outcomes following transvenous lead extraction using contemporary techniques.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.