Balogh Brigitta
Pediatric laparoscopic procedures in special indications.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Etlinger Péter
The importance of simulation training in pediatric surgery.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Havasi Katalin
Characterisation and practical importance of exercise-induced cardiovascular response in a 6 - to 18-year-old population.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Kiss Judit Klára
Investigation of neonatal blood pressure.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Mari Judit
Diagnostic tools and therapeutic interventions in the management of early onset neonatal sepsis.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Martonosi Ágnes Rita
The role of urodynamics detecting neuropathic bladder dysfunction in non-urological diseases.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Varga Alexandra
Recent trends in the management of undescended testes in Hungary.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.
Ökrös Zsuzsanna
Biochemical and genetic examinations in the diagnostics and treatment of childhood diseases.
Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Szeged.