title: Norvég irodalmi impulzusok a magyar irodalmi modernség alakulásában a 19. század végén
creator:  Asztalos Veronka Örsike
subject: 06. Bölcsészettudományok
subject: 06.02. Nyelvek és irodalom
description: This thesis seeks to understand how Norwegian literature was received in Hungary in the late 19th century, and how modern Hungarian literature can be understood better due to this process. This viewpoint not only defines the importance of revealing the motivations of the translators who thought that transferring Norwegian literature was beneficial for Hungarian literature, but also some of the main issues that arose in the Hungarian literary system which resulted in these new literary works. With the aid of theories of modernism, reception history and translation studies, this research aims to give a new interpretation of Hungarian literary modernism.
date: 2025
type: Disszertáció
type: NonPeerReviewed
format: application/pdf
language: hu
format: application/pdf
language: hu
format: application/pdf
language: en
identifier:    Asztalos Veronka Örsike    Norvég irodalmi impulzusok a magyar irodalmi modernség alakulásában a 19. század végén.   Doktori értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem (2000-).  (2025)     
language: hun