%0 Generic %9 Doktori értekezés %A Gombkötő Bence %D 2025 %F doktori:12462 %K mongolisztika, altajisztika, turkológia, történeti-összehasonlító nyelvészet, lovasműveltség, etimológia %T A mongol lovasműveltség szókincse és török kapcsolatai %U https://doktori.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/12462/ %X The choice of the dissertation topic was determined by the fact that the rich vocabulary of the Mongolic equestrian culture has not yet been studied as an independent linguistic research. The aim of my dissertation was to compile a dictionary of Mongolic equestrian culture and, after thematic grouping, to analyze it from etymological and morphological aspects through the methods of historical-comparative linguistics. A central question of the research is to what extent the terminology of Mongolic equestrian culture can be considered inherently Mongolic. This research also provides the opportunity to reconstruct the core vocabulary of Mongolic equestrian culture. The findings are important not only for Mongolistics but also for Altaic studies. Equestrian culture is a prominent area in the study of Turkic-Mongolic linguistic relations and cultural contacts, making the study and identification of loanwords decisive. In my dissertation, I analyze a considerable number of terms that received little or no prior attention. My research not only compiles existing knowledge and findings but also contributes new insights and suggests alternative interpretations based on the latest research. By collecting and examining the Mongolic vocabulary, this study enables direct comparisons between the Turkic and Mongolic equestrian vocabulary and helps to map the existing system of relationships.